Many goals. One clinical traceability solution.

At Genesis, we empower hospitals to rapidly address a diverse range of financial, operational, clinical, and supply chain objectives while increasing return on their IT investments. From the hospital’s administrators to its chief executives, clinical leadership, materials managers, and heads of IT—all stand to benefit from the transformative impact of complete clinical traceability.

Use this page to explore the many dimensions of our value for your hospital system.


Impact every part of the revenue cycle.

Responsible for up to 80% of hospital revenue and millions of dollars in costs, the clinical supply chain’s financial significance is unrivaled. For most hospitals, it is both the single greatest opportunity for revenue growth as well as the single greatest source of waste.

By enabling complete clinical traceability, utilization tracking, charge capture, and procedural costing, Genesis transforms the clinical supply chain into a strategic source of margin improvement, impacting every part of the revenue cycle.

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With Genesis, you can:

  • Grow Revenue
    by capturing every charge and ensuring you get reimbursed for the care you deliver to patients.
  • Reduce supply-related costs
    by measuring utilization, accurately calculating procedure costs, and systematically eliminating waste.
  • Inform system-wide standards,
    eliminate variation, enhance contract negotiation, and optimize pricing with robust reporting capabilities.

With Genesis, you can:

  • Accurately predict demand
    and eliminate waste and shortage by precisely measuring utilization across sites and service lines.
  • Reduce risk
    and improve the efficiency of expiry and recall management by gaining insight into supplies approaching expiration at various time horizons, as well as those under active recall.
  • Optimize the allocation of supplies
    and assets across sites and service lines by identifying where inventory is located and where it is most likely to be used.


Bridge the clinical data gap.

The clinical supply chain is about so much more than procurement. It is integral to clinical care and financial performance. Many hospitals’ existing supply chain systems fail to capture the critical utilization data needed to make data-driven decisions about supplies.

By systematically measuring utilization and extending complete visibility from the supplier to the patient bedside, Genesis brings the principles of data-driven supply chain management to life in the clinical environment for the very first time.

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Deliver safer, higher quality care.

For today’s hospitals, financial and operational functions often remain isolated from clinical realities. As a result, it is impossible to measure and manage key determinants of performance—including utilization, cost, and variation—in a systematic way.

By forming a bi-directional, data-driven connection between the hospital warehouse, the top floor, and the point of care, Genesis empowers hospitals to deliver better, safer care to its patients more efficiently and cost effectively.

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With Genesis, you can:

  • Understand the cost
    of every procedure and eliminate variation by capturing vital information about supplies, procedure duration, clinician, patient, and success rate.
  • Optimize operating room usage
    by systematically measuring utilization and identifying downtime.
  • Protect your patients
    by providing key insights at the point of care, including relevant recalls, expiries, and proximity warnings.
  • Save clinical users’ time
    and increase time spent with the patient by automatically accounting for preference cards and integrating with the item catalog.

With Genesis, you can:

  • Empower anytime, anywhere access
    among your users with a scalable cloud-based architecture, run on your own VPN or hosted via AWS.
  • Rapidly establish complete interoperability
    with your EHR, ERP, and catalog systems using Genesis’ robust integration engine.
  • Maximize user adoption
    with an instinctive interface that eliminates user burden and minimizes training requirements.
  • Protect your sensitive data
    and infrastructure with a data center and network architecture that are HIPAA compliant and built for clinical demands.


Accelerate time to value.

Technology can enable hospitals to deliver higher quality care, improve efficiency, empower caregivers, and increase margin. But not all technologies are created equal. In fact, many hospitals have yet to realize the intended return on their most significant IT investments.

By coupling a compelling value proposition with outstanding accessibility, interoperability, usability, and security, Genesis bridges the gap between existing systems and rapidly provides hospitals a path to tangible ROI.

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Icon Solution Reversed

The Solution

Co-developed by the world’s largest suppliers and providers, Genesis delivers all of the capabilities hospital systems need to transform the management of care-critical supplies and enhance clinical performance.

Explore the Genesis Solution

Icon Successes Reversed

The Successes

Our solution’s value isn’t hypothetical—it is proven. Read our clients’ success stories to learn how Genesis is empowering them to reduce cost, grow revenue, enhance efficiency, and protect their patients.

Read Our Clients’ Success Stories

Insights on Clinical Traceability.


Seeing is Believing

Request a free demo and discover firsthand how Genesis delivers real value through complete clinical traceability.